Advices and Suggestions | Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Sahabat Latis, kita semua mungkin pernah memberikan nasihat dan saran kepada seseorang. Baik itu nasihat atas masalah tugas sekolah hingga masalah pribadi.

Namun, pernahkah Sahabat Latis memberikan nasihat dan saran dalam bahasa Inggris? Jika pernah, bagaimana cara mengutarakannya?

Agar kamu lebih memahami apa itu advices and suggestions, cobalah kita pahami ulasan berikut ini.

Advices and Suggestions

Advices and Suggestions

Sahabat Latis, di sini kita akan belajar tentang advices and suggestions meliputi cara meminta dan memberikan advices and suggestions beserta contoh pengaplikasiannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

A. Apa Itu Advices and Suggestions?

Jika diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, “advice” berarti nasihat. Sedangkan “suggestion” berarti saran. Perbedaan keduanya terletak pada suatu kondisi atau keadaan yang dialami oleh seseorang.

Jika seseorang meminta nasihat kepada orang lain, maka yang menjadi pertimbangannya adalah fakta masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan perkiraan apa yang akan terjadi ke depannya.


  • She received a good advice from her sister.
  • You have to consider it with your parents.
  • Why don’t you go tonight?

Berbeda halnya dengan saran atau suggestion. Umumnya seseorang meminta saran kepada orang lain berdasarkan kejadian yang terjadi di masa sekarang.


  • He suggested to try another way.
  • I think we should do it right now!
  • Let’s go to the beach!

Advices and Suggestions

B. Apa yang Harus Diperhatikan dalam Menyampaikan Advices and Suggestions?

Apa yang membeda advices and suggestions dengan English Expressions lainnya? jelas sekali bahwa perbedaannya terletak pada pemilihan kata dan cara menyampaikannya.

1. Advices

Untuk membuat kalimat meminta dan memberikan nasihat, Sahabat Latis mesti memperhatikan kata-kata khusus yang digunakan. Berikut adalah daftar kata-kata tersebut.

Asking for Advice (meminta nasihat)

  • What should I do?
  • What do you think I should do?
  • Could you give me some advice?
  • Should I . . . ?

Giving Advice (memberi nasihat)

  • I think you should . . .
  • Maybe you should . . .
  • Why don’t you . . . ?
  • You might try (verb + ing) . . . ?
  • How about (verb + ing) . . . ?
  • It might be a good idea to . . .
  • I advise . . .
  • My advice would be to . . .

2. Suggestions

Agar Sahabat Latis dapat mempraktikkan asking and giving suggestion dengan benar, berikut adalah kata-kata yang bisa diadaptasi.

Asking for Suggestions (meminta saran)

  • What about?
  • How about?
  • How do you suggest . . . ?
  • Are you suggesting . . . ?
  • What do you recommend . . . ?
  • Can you recommend . . . ?
  • Do you have any recommendations about . . .

Giving Suggestions (memberi saran)

  • I think you’d . . .
  • I don’t think . . .
  • It would probably . . .
  • Try to . . .
  • Let me suggest . . .
  • My suggestion is . . .
  • I recommend that . . .
  • My recommendation is . . .

Baca juga: Les CPNS Jakarta

Advices and Suggestions
Source: amyarie

C. Mari Berlatih!

Agar Sahabat Latis lebih memahami tentang advices and suggestions, mari berlatih dengan membaca percakapan berikut ini.

1. The Example of Asking and Giving Advice

Berikut adalah contoh percakapan asking and giving advice yang bisa kamu pahami dan praktikkan.

Noelia: Argh, this is just ridiculous!

Paul: Susan again?

Noelia: Yeah, Susan. She just keeps emailing me about things that have nothing to do with work and nothing to do with me. What do you think I should do?

Paul: Well, if I were you, I’d email and ask her to stop sending them.

Noelia: I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I have to be careful what I say as she’s quite an important client.

Paul: Erm, I’m not sure then. Perhaps you could try talking to Yuna about it?

Bob: Er … why don’t you try doing nothing?

Noelia: Sorry? Bob: Perhaps you could just … do nothing?

Noelia: Really? I’m not too sure about that.

Bob: Well, I remember this guy I used to work with, Mark, and he kept emailing again and again and again, about all sorts, mostly unrelated to work. Well, I kept responding politely and he kept sending them. In the end, I stopped replying to his emails unless they were only about work.

Paul: And what happened?

Bob: He stopped sending them. It’s a bit like being faced with a dangerous snake. If you move quickly, it’ll bite you, but if you keep very still and do nothing, eventually it’ll move away and leave you alone. I had to learn the hard way.

Noelia: Hey, Bob. Have you got a minute?

Bob: Yeah.

Noelia: So, I tried what you suggested and I only responded to Susan’s emails about work for a few days. Then guess what?

Bob: The irrelevant emails stopped.

Noelia: Yes! Now she only sends me work-related ones.

Bob: Well, that’s very good news.

Noelia: All thanks to you, Bob.

Bob: Any time,

Noelia, any time! All in a day’s work. Ahh!


Well Sahabat Latis, setelah kita membaca teks di atas, maka kita menjumpai beberapa kalimat yang menunjukkan asking and giving advice. Seperti:

  • What do you think I should do?
  • If I were you, I’d. . .
  • I’m not sure that’s a good idea.
  • Perhaps you could try. . .
  • Why don’t you try . . . ?
  • I’m not too sure about that.
  • I tried what you suggested.

2. The Example of Asking and Giving Suggestions

Sahabat Latis, agar kalian lebih menguasai materi advices and suggestions, mari kita pahami contoh asking and giving suggestions berikut ini.

Yuna: OK, this time let’s focus. Phones off.

Noelia: Yes, and in my bag!

Yuna: Ready?

Noelia: I’m ready.

Yuna: We have half an hour.

Noelia: OK, let’s go!

Yuna: How about starting with social media?

Noelia: Sure. Engagement is up 15 per cent this month.

Yuna: Good. So let’s go for 20 per cent for next month.

Noelia: Yeah, sure. I’ll tell the team. We’ll need some extra help to make it work.

Yuna: Agreed. Good idea. …

Yuna: Why don’t you ask Vanya to help you create a new social media plan?

Noelia: OK, no problem. Shall we present it at the next team meeting together?

Yuna: Good plan. Can you let Paul see it first?

Noelia: Sure, I’ll do that.

Yuna: Anything else?

Noelia: No, that’s it.

Yuna: And that’s half an hour! We did it!

Noelia: We’re really good at this!


Nah Sahabat Latis, setelah kita membaca teks di atas, maka kita menjumpai beberapa kalimat yang menunjukkan asking and giving suggestions. Di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Yeah, sure.
  • We’ll need . . .
  • Agreed.
  • Good idea.
  • OK, no problem.
  • Good plan.
  • How about starting with . . . ?
  • Shall we . . . ?
  • Why don’t you ask . . . ?

Baca juga: Bimbel CPNS Online

Bagaimana Sahabat Latis, sudah mulai paham kan dengan materi Advices and Suggestions?

Supaya kamu makin paham dengan materi lainnya, bisa jawab PR dan tugas di sekolah dengan mudah dan prestasi kamu meningkat tajam, kamu bisa coba ikutan les privat Latisprivat lho!

Gurunya berprestasi dan biayanya juga hemat. Bisa online dan tatap muka juga. Fleksibel kan? Untuk info lebih lanjut, kamu bisa hubungi Latisprivat di line chat 085810779967.

Sampai ketemu di kelas!


Modul Bahasa Inggris Advices and Suggestions Kelas XI oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Bashir, Makhruk. 2017. Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.


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